OMG......the blog is alive again!!!
Helloooo peeps and friends
Aren't you glad to be able to read this again? I can't believe I've accidentally deleted what I've written in the last 10 minutes!!
I had tried to post comments since my last post in June but somehow the system keeps rejecting my id!! It was so frustrating! The only thing I could do was to comment in the chat-box. Then today.....just a few minutes ago, after several tries (sigh...!) I gained entry into the blog post again...yaaay!!
Today we had the Sec 4N graduation ceremony. I was not able to be present for the whole event but popped in between my invigilation duty for the sec 2 EL Paper 1 exam. By the time, I was free to go back to the hall again, the ceremony was over. The students were mingling, eating and chatting with each other, in between taking shots with their I-phone cams:)
It's a mixture of sweet and sad moments as some of them may choose not to come back to the school next year. Another new chapter of their school life will begin in new surroundings.
For you peeps, your turn will come next year when you reach Sec 4E or 4N. For now, focus all your energies to doing well in the end-of-year exam as I'm sure you all want to be promoted next year:)
Good luck for the exams & God Bless!!
Ur ever loving
~Mrs S~